Aba Boe Minn Gaung

Thurathati ( worship for knowledge) you can see she is holding Basket of Knowledge ( Pitakas 3 Pone)

Zaw Gyi ( a person with supernatural power)

Shrine of Spirits ( King of Spirits and Yangon Boe Boe Gyi)

Big Royal drum near Southern Gateway ( Min Ga Lar Si Daw) Burmese hit that drum when they celebrate royal occassions.

Creature with man's head and two lion bodies (Ma Nou Thi Ha)

Sculpture of Lion(Burmese build that kind of animals sculputre like as guards of the Bagoda)

Sculpture of Dragon(Burmese build that kind of animals sculputre like as a guard of the Bagoda)

Giant Buddha Image at Chan Thar Gyi Tan Saung

These photos are taken with my sony erission handset W960i. The time I was going back to Yangon, I had been there so many times. I like that place too much. Lots of interesting things and stories there. I still need to upload lots of photos which I was taken from Shwe Dagon.